
>MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD: Current Research<

Great to hear that the U.S. finished the phase II study, and hopefully gives new draughts for the practical psychotherapy. 

The states are to us some steps of prerau which potential unlawful drugs can have, so long they are looked again as a possible pharmaceutical medicine. It becomes a time that Germany frees itself, fanally, sometimes of his conservative, rigid world views. Our pharmaceutical industry should become an aid the medicine being and health service again. Nevertheless, it is evident long ago that our pharmaceutical industry is over more on capital, than to be this for which it was developed, actully, a sience for the support of the person, And not to treat us as benefit cattle. We need urgently new sedate around this manipulating lobby to dam.

The Duality of the American Veteran


As #VeteransDay approaches we discuss the duality of the American #vet.

By: Peter Sessum Serving in the military is one of those few jobs that brand you for life. No matter what you do, you will always be a veteran. It is one of the few professions that stay with you long after you leave it. In the civilian world your current job is who you are, but once someone identifies you as being former military, you will always be a vet first in their eyes. Veteran is a title…

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